
Furnace Services in Montreal Area’s

Choosing the ideal type of furnace for your needs involves considering certain factors. Gas furnaces provide fast, efficient heat. Electric hot air and hot water furnaces are easy to install and suitable for both small and large areas.

Electric Hot Air Furnace

This heater works by converting electrical energy into heat to heat the surrounding air.

Its basic principle is based on the heating of a heating element which produces heat when electric current passes through it. Ambient air is drawn in by a fan and directed towards the heating element, where it heats up by coming into contact with hot surfaces. Once heated, the air is then propelled into the spaces to be heated, providing a comfortable heat source.

The hot air outlet temperature is generally controlled by a thermostat built into the furnace. When the room temperature reaches the desired value, the thermostat cuts off the power supply to the heating element, thereby maintaining the temperature at a constant level. Electric hot air furnaces are widely used for domestic and commercial heating due to their efficiency, ease of use and low environmental impact compared to other, more traditional heating sources, such as fossil fuels.

Energy Storage Electric Furnace

This heater works by converting electrical energy into heat to heat the surrounding air.

Its basic principle is based on the heating of a heating element which produces heat when electric current passes through it. Ambient air is drawn in by a fan and directed towards the heating element, where it heats up by coming into contact with hot surfaces. Once heated, the air is then propelled into the spaces to be heated, providing a comfortable heat source.

The hot air outlet temperature is generally controlled by a thermostat built into the furnace. When the room temperature reaches the desired value, the thermostat cuts off the power supply to the heating element, thereby maintaining the temperature at a constant level. Electric hot air furnaces are widely used for domestic and commercial heating due to their efficiency, ease of use and low environmental impact compared to other, more traditional heating sources, such as fossil fuels.

Our Brands Renowned for their quality and reliability.

At Allard & Émond, we are always on the lookout to offer you equipment brands renowned for manufacturing quality, current technologies as well as consumer guarantees.

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